We had the third perfect summer here in New Jersey. The temperature never really went above 95° F with no humidity. The last three years have been perfect as humidity used to be brutal, although not as bad as places like Tokyo. The sun energy output is dropping rapidly and we are heading into a colder period. So much so, that we are now looking for offices in Florida since all of our staff wants to move closer to global warming. Ice at the North Pole, which was supposed to be gone by now, is expanding. There are hundreds of miles of new ice — the cycle has reversed. Those who cling to global warming I have one thing to say: STOP DRIVING YOUR DAMN CAR AND USE A BICYCLE. Stop trying to change the world to your unproven theory and DO as you preach or shut up.
Sea Ice Has Expanded Hundreds of Miles — Welcome Global Cooling!
Posted Sep 12, 2015 by Martin Armstrong |
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