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Tag: Social Security

Tax Code Change for Emergency Retirement Withdrawals

Low-income Americans are in such dire straits due to the elevated cost of living that lawmakers are making changes to the tax code. No, naturally, the politicians...

The Role of Grandparent Vanishing from Society

I discussed how the rising costs of childcare surpass the cost of rent by 25% to 50% across the United States. The cost of raising a child is directly reflected in...

The US Government’s Plan for Social Security

When questioned about the future of Social Security by the Senate Finance Committee, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen admitted that Biden “doesn’t have a...

Brotherly Arguments

COMMENT: Martin, My brother is in town today, and instead of discussing religion (always colorful, as he is agnostic and I am evangelical), we were discussing...

COVID Tax Increases – Forcing People to Pay For the Political Plandemic

These Democratic state governors have been so draconian in suppressing their economies for political purposes. Then they have the audacity to turn around and raise...

How the Rich Make Their Money

  QUESTION: Good Sir, When you say the ‘rich get rich by investments, not wages’ you fail to identify the following wealthy class. CEO’s of corporations,...

Government is Always Exempt from the Laws that Apply to Everyone Else

COMMENT: Thank you for opening my eyes on the hunt for money by cash-starved governments! My wife was a registered nurse in India and is attempting to get her RN...

Democrats Count of Press to Blame Trump if Social Security Defaults Temporarily

The Debt Ceiling issue is back and of course people will sell the dollar as if the USA would actually default. The bulk of the debt is owned by the government so...

Republican Tax Reform – What About the Deficit?

The Associated Press ran a story reporting: “Congressional Republicans are planning a massive overhaul of the nation’s tax system, a heavy political...

The Two Faces of Hillary

QUESTION: Marty, do you think Hillary will just wipe us out when social security goes bust next year? ANSWER: Absolutely. I cannot think of anyone I regard as more...