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Tag: Julius Caesar


COMMENT: I have investigated what you have said about our Western leaders. From the US to Britain, the Balkans, France, Poland, and Germany, they all want war. I am...

The Collapse of a Nation Takes 13 years

In law, it has been a maxim that bad facts make bad law. Every lawyer knows that. That is why the government will seek the worst case to expand the law and apply it...

How to Socialize a Nation – Divide & Conquer

COMMENT: The Other Plan? | Trudeau, his Dad Pierre Elliot and Selfsame Joe Biden Socialist Goals. | “Every Time I Think of it I Get Mad.” “Many Years Ago...

FAKE News Has Been Around for Thousands of Years

Many people claim that fake news is just something that Trump made up. They fail to realize that fake news has been a major political tool for thousands of years....

Friends, Americans, World Citizens, lend me your ears

  (Adaptation of Marc Antony’s speech upon Caesar’s Death from Shakespeare)   Friends, Americans, World Citizens, lend me your ears; I come to...

Julius Caesar & the Black Basalt Bust Commissioned by Cleopatra

The black basalt bust of Julius Caesar is more likely than not the one commissioned by Cleopatra herself. We know that Cleopatra had built an elaborate shrine, or...

Money: What Is It? What is Interest? What is the Wealth of a Nation?

Angela Merkel and IMF chief Christine Lagarde can laugh it up as Europe burns down. The whole crisis stems from antiquated ideas that center on what money actually...

“Men Willingly Believe What They Wish to Believe” – Julius Caesar

“Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt.” “Men willingly believe what they wish to believe.” Conspiracy theories have been going on...