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Tag: Ice Age

The White Earth Effect

The earth’s climate is anything but regular, with every year a repeat of the last. The White Earth Effect is the realization of what would happen if the earth...

Why Climate Change is a Fraud

This is one of the oldest methods to brainwash a population known to ancient history. The high priests had discovered the cycle of the heavens. They would pretend...

Do We Face Global Cooling or an Ice Age?

QUESTION #1: You expect global cooling due to the decrease in solar energy. Why do glaciers melt? MG QUESTION #2: Now that the Greenland Glacier is growing, is this...

Climate Change – the New Religious Cult

This is the picture that was used to start the global warming movement that man supposedly created. Of course, since the weather is not consistently warmer, they...

Maunder Minimum Petri Dish of Political Change

The global warming pseudo-scientists are desperately trying to keep their funding. Now these con artists are trying to claim that that the oceans’ surface water...

Britain Headed Back to a Mini Ice Age

We have been warning that the danger is by no means global warming, but global cooling. The energy output of the sun has turned down. Now scientists are warning...