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Tag: ECM Turning Point

Sweden – How Bad can it Get?

QUESTION: SOS from Sweden: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Please take a look at Sweden. I know you can not look at every single country but Sweden would be interesting since...

Did World War III Start on the Precise Day of the ECM?

Russia began bombing CIA-trained rebels in Syria precisely on the day of the turn in the Economic Confidence Model. As CNN pointed out, the bombing continues....

2015.75 & Debt: Did 9/30 Mark the Beginning of the End?

Interestingly, the debt ceiling was kicked down the road to the precise date of the ECM turning point: September 30, 2015 (2015.75). Boehner had to resign; this has...

The ECM Turning Point — Sept. 30/Oct. 1 — Guns & War?

The unleashing of Russian firepower in Syria in support of the Syrian government came precisely on the day of the Economic Confidence Model. I have come to learn...

Today’s Turning Point on the ECM

I have warned that this turning point is centered in government; not in the markets. The number of issues coming to a head is just mind-blowing: from the...