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“The Forecaster” on Belgian Television

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Forecaster - R

“The Forecaster” has appeared on national TV in Belgium. I would like to thank everyone who sent in emails from that showing. I am glad so many people are becoming exposed to the existence of cycles and corruption. One viewer sent a passage from an 1859 book of Max Havelaar (author: Multatuli).

Bailiff: Mr Judge, there’s the man who killed Barbertje.

Judge: That man should hang. How he do it?

Bailiff: He has cut her into small pieces, and salted her.

Judge: To this he has done very wrong. He must hang.

Lothario: Judge, I did not kill Barbertje! I have her fed and clothed and cared for. There are witnesses who will declare that I am a good man and not a murderer.

Judge: Man, thou must hang! You aggravates your crime by egotism. It does not fit with someone who … has been accused of something, adhere to one good man.

Lothario: But, Judge, there are witnesses who will confirm it. And I am now accused of murder …

Judge: You must hang! Thou hast Barbertje piece sliced, salted, and you are pleased with yourself … three capital delinquencies! Who is the female?

Female: I’m Barbertje.

Lothario: Thank God! Judge thou see that I did not kill her!

Judge: Hm … yes … so! But the salting?

Barbertje: No judge, he does not salted me. He has done much good my contrary. He’s a noble man!

Lothario: You hear it, judge, she says I’m a good man.

Judge: Hm … the third point still exist.

Bailiff, take the man away, he should hang. He is guilty of conceit. (…)