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Month: February 2022

City of Boston Doxes Unvaccinated Employees

After being declared a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” countless people harbor hate toward those who have not taken the vaccine. Rhetoric promoted by the media...

Ancient Fake News Still Dominates the Classroom

COMMENT: Hi Martin, Things have gotten so bad in governments around the world that I am starting to sympatise with Caligula who appointed his horse as a minister...

Market Talk – February 15, 2021

ASIA: Singapore is committed to reopening its economy and borders to the rest of the world, said Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat on Monday. The continued...

The Fate of Canada Hangs in the Balance

Trudeau has shown the entire world that he is unfit to be the leader of any pretend free democratic nation. He is invoking the Emergence Act not used for more than...

PRIVATE BLOG – Socrates Picks the Day Again

PRIVATE BLOG – Socrates Picks the Day Again Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please...

NYC falls into Pandemonium

New York City is no longer a place to admire. A friend went to see a play and was constantly harassed to pull their mask up after every drink. He wrote that he has...

Bancel Prompts Moderna Scare

The rumor mill is churning out stories after Moderna CEO Stephen Bancel deleted his Twitter account and sold off stock. Some believe this indicates that people...

Hochul Sneaks in Authority to Arrest People For Health Reasons

COMMENT:  Dear Martin, I am writing to bring your attention to this action by New York State Governor Kathy Hochul. This has been slow coming to public awareness...

Schwab’s Admiration for Lenin

I can verify that this photo going around of Schwab with a statue of Lenin on his bookshelf is genuine. He really does have that in his office. This is based upon...

The West is Crumbling & Putin Knows it

QUESTION: It appears that Russia has shifted its focus claiming it may need to protect Russian citizens in Eastern Ukraine. You seem to have more insight than what...