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Month: July 2013

If you cannot Meet EU Criteria – Change the Rules

The EU is changing the rules concerning deficits. Whatever countries spend on infrastructure will be exempt from the deficit, even though the debts will increase...

Its a Tinfoil Hat Conspiracy

QUESTION: Today employment came with 195K. 1- If Europe is imploding, China slowing, Emerging markets slowing, is the US employment story sustainable? 2- After the...

Gold & Euro – Here we Go Again.

One reader writes making a statement that clearly we are so influential and that is why only a fool does not read our work. Some people assume simply because I said...

Male or Female Makes No Difference – They Are All After Your Money

When Diocletian (284-305AD) came to power after the Great Monetary Collapse of the 3rd Century, he sought to restore the economy even reintroducing silver coins....

Gee Wiz! The Euro Crisis is not Over? Who would have guessed?

The Euro has plummeted dropping to 12900 zone. Our Daily Bearish on the spot lies at 12940. Portugal interest rates have jumped to 8% and will move higher. Austria...

Civil Unrest in Egypt

QUESTION: How does your model predict even civil unrest like this? It is honestly quite intriguing. ANSWER: True. I have come to understand that fundamental events...

Austria Forces Bolivian President to Land looking for Snowden

Europe still does whatever the USA orders it to do. Like Rome, all roads lead to Washington. It does not matter that the USA is spying on European politicians, it...

Difference Between Men & Women & Politicians

It is a fact of life that men cannot shop with women. This is a plot of the course taken by the average woman and a man when it comes to going shopping for a pair...

Brown Brothers Harriman

Brown Brothers Harriman A number of clients have been concerned about banks. The German Banks may be in far worse shape than most suspect. Because Germany has been...

Asset Allocation Blog

We have received numerous requests from old institutional clients that they need help on asset allocation. Even the famous All Weather Bridgewater Fund used by...