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Turning Risk Management on its Head

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Risk Management

QUESTION: Hello Marty; I am looking forward to your training conference. Will you be going over your Risk Management program you use to demonstrate in Tokyo in addition to Strategic Trading? Is that up and running again? BTW: it would be great if you came to Tokyo for a conference.



ANSWER: That is the module I am working on so hard. The RM.EXE program was amazing. Yes, this is one module of the program that reviewed markets worldwide for the big movers.Backing into Risk Management and turning it on its head allows you to see the greatest risk for an existing position, but the greatest gain for a new position.

It is true that understanding Risk Management is vital to you survival for Strategic Trading. Far too often people do not understand the risks, get into a position, and then bail out at the lows of a reaction only to watch it rise again. You have to approach the whole this entirely different. If you understand the game, then you can play – otherwise you will be just prey.

I do miss Tokyo. I still eat Japanese Sashimi at least twice a week.

All the best
