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The Euro & Year-End

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IBEUUS-M 11-2013


The Euro has simply remained within the reversals holding the 12950 level on the downside and 14700 on the upside. A closing for year-end above 13588 will signal that we still should see the deflationary rally continue into early 2014.  The ideal turning point remains 2014 with Panic Cycles coming in 2016.

IBEUUS-M FOR 10252013


Here is the previous September Array and we can see the choppy period remains into January. Our original view that the euro would most likely make a high in January remains intact, yet there is no real change in trend from a buy or sell signal perspective, just sideways churning for the last 5 months of 2013. We also have a big turning point come May and that is where we have the EU elections.