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STRONGEST recommendation to Ukraine

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My STRONGEST recommendation to Ukraine is to install a ONE-TERM Presidency for ONE-YEAR and out of government PERMANENTLY. Nobody who works in the bureaucracy previously can EVER hold political power. The government MUST be the people keeping check over the executive. The Judiciary must be private lawyers, not government, who are there for also short-terms and not for life. No judge can rule on anything to which he is familiar with or connected. No judge should sit alone but every case should be heard by three judges.

This is just the beginning. Do this and Ukraine can set the standard for the rest of the world. Do this, and open up citizenship to entrepreneurs and you will create a nation that will explode reducing unemployment and raise the standard of living.

TRUST is everything. There has to be a REAL democracy – not another fake republic that will only be another brief interlude between corruption.

Here is the proposal we provided to Cyprus