Economic Decline Returning Marriage to Historical Norms
Posted Jun 14, 2013 by Martin Armstrong |

The Hollywood ideas of love at first sight have been also fading as marriage is starting to turn back to its historical roots. The birth of contracts and pensions took place with the marriage contract that was a REAL contract. Men were required to establish themselves FIRST before taking on a bride. If a man was broke, had nothing and showed up to ask for the hand of someone’s daughter and the father asked what do you have and he replied “nothing” , but I love her – it would have been met with shock and laughter.

Philip II by Titian
Traditionally, the money paid for the woman, in many cases went actually to the woman NOT to her family. This was the early establishment of marriage – the contract that PROVED the man could take care of the woman if she choose to marry him. Women were not forced to marry into poverty. Among royals, they were compelled to marry for political purposes. That was seen more as a duty or obligation. When Mary of England married Philip of Spain, his portrait was painted by Titan and sent to her for her approval.
With the economy turning down in Europe and unemployment among the youth rising to 60%, many young girls are returning to the historical marriage roots. They are looking for older ESTABLISHED men to ensure they have a future since socialism is collapsing. It is a choice between a life of hardship or a life that is acceptable. It does not require billionaires or exceptionally wealthy men. This is men who have a modest nest egg and are established wage earners. We will have the full historical report on this trend in the upcoming special report on interest rates and pensions.