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Comments from Europe on Europe

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Income tax was introduced in England in 1798 as a temporary measure to fight Napoleon.

Have we defeated Napoleon yet?


Anti EU feeling is very high in the UK – politicians have always shied away from a referendum because they know we want out and they fear that an attack the EU will ultimately rebound onto them. And they would be right!

Liberal (pro EU) commentators are falling over themselves to portray David Cameron as a ‘gambler’ (The Economist had this as their cover page very recently) whilst ignoring the fact that he may well give the British people something that we actually want!

Kind Regards


Armstrong: Über den ökonomischen Selbstmord der EU 11 von 27 EU-Mitgliedern verabschiedeten eine Finanztransaktionssteuer. Sie tun das, weil sie nicht mehr genug Geld eintreiben können, um sich selbst zu bezahlen. Genau daran sind alle Imperien der Vergangenheit gescheitert – an Überschuldung und Zahlungsunfähigkeit. Wir müssen nur warten – die aktuellen Imperien wackeln schon

They are installing the Financial Transaction Tax because they need the money. …  Precisely because all empires of the past have failed – to over-indebtedness and insolvency. We just have to wait – the current empires wiggle already
