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Tag: zero covid policy

China wants Apple Back – China’s Davos

China’s zero COVID policy isolated the nation for nearly three years and caused businesses to flee. One of the steepest losses occurred when Apple halted the...

Civil Unrest Explodes in China Over Lockdowns

The Chinese are no longer willing to comply with the harsh Zero Covid policy implemented by their government. Protests exploded across Shanghai, Beijing, Wuhan,...

Largest iPhone Factory Hires 100K Employees after Lockdown Scare

Apple iPhone 14 production slowdown from the Foxconn manufacturing plant in China continues. A high percentage of workers fled the world’s largest iPhone factory...

Millions of Chinese on Lockdown

At least 65 people are dead after a 6.8 magnitude earthquake rocked the province of Sichuan. This comes as 21 million people in Chengdu are confined to their homes...

China’s Extreme Lockdown Measures

The Chinese government is taking its zero-COVID, zero-freedom policy to a new extreme. Government workers are now locking people within their homes to prevent them...

Hong Kong’s Hamster Genocide

Hong Kong’s “zero COVID” policy has caused schools and playgrounds to close as children learn how to be obedient to authority. The latest COVID measure is...