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Tag: private debt crisis

Cap on Credit Card Late Fees Hurt Financially Illiterate Americans

The Biden Administration implemented a new rule that will cap credit card late fees at $8. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has praised the measure,...

The Student Loan Boycott

President Joe Biden promised student loan cancelation during his initial presidential campaign. This became a big selling point for one-issue voters strapped with...

The Second-Largest Contributor to US Private Debt

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s data shows that auto loans have surpassed student loans, becoming the second-largest debt burden for U.S. consumers....

American Wealth Declined in Q3

According to a recent Federal Reserve report, US household wealth experienced a significant decline in the third quarter, largely attributed to deep stock losses....

Cost Of Living Outpaces Wage Increases

A recent study by Achieve revealed that despite a 37% increase in income, many Americans are facing financial challenges due to rising costs and high interest...

Black Friday – A Key Weekend for Retailers

Retailers have been preparing for Black Friday and Cyber Monday all year. The tradition of post-Thanksgiving shopping has spread internationally with companies...

Politicians With Student Loans Push for Cancelation

Politicians will always vote in favor of their self-interests. The invisible hand is fully visible here. The Supreme Court reminded Biden that he could not bribe...