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Tag: private debt crisis

US Banks Experiencing Rising Unrecoverable Debt

I’ve long been sounding the alarm on the private debt crisis sweeping the Build Back Better nations. US government debt equaled 122.3% of the nation’s GDP in...

Corporate Bankruptcies Surpass Pandemic Levels

Americans are opting to file for bankruptcy at a faster pace as they cannot repay their debts. A few major banks came out to say that they lost over $4.1 billion...

Tax Code Change for Emergency Retirement Withdrawals

Low-income Americans are in such dire straits due to the elevated cost of living that lawmakers are making changes to the tax code. No, naturally, the politicians...

Credit Card Delinquencies Spike Among the “Rich”

  Inflation can be felt at every tax bracket. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis President Neel Kashkari came out this week and said the public “viscerally...

Cap on Credit Card Late Fees Hurt Financially Illiterate Americans

The Biden Administration implemented a new rule that will cap credit card late fees at $8. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has praised the measure,...

The Student Loan Boycott

President Joe Biden promised student loan cancelation during his initial presidential campaign. This became a big selling point for one-issue voters strapped with...

The Second-Largest Contributor to US Private Debt

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s data shows that auto loans have surpassed student loans, becoming the second-largest debt burden for U.S. consumers....

American Wealth Declined in Q3

According to a recent Federal Reserve report, US household wealth experienced a significant decline in the third quarter, largely attributed to deep stock losses....

Cost Of Living Outpaces Wage Increases

A recent study by Achieve revealed that despite a 37% increase in income, many Americans are facing financial challenges due to rising costs and high interest...

Black Friday – A Key Weekend for Retailers

Retailers have been preparing for Black Friday and Cyber Monday all year. The tradition of post-Thanksgiving shopping has spread internationally with companies...