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The Youth Still Votes Blue

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Conservatives did not experience the red wave that they were hoping to see. Voting trends historically show the youth voting in favor of Democrats. As the quote often attributed to John Adams goes, “If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not a Conservative at 35, You Have No Brain.”

Pretending to champion one-voter issues with the backing of celebrities adds to this trend. A new NBC poll examined the exit polling data from voters between 18 and 29 (12% of the electorate) and 63% voted Democrat, while only 35% in this age range voted Republican.

People turn to the Republican Party as time goes on. Those 30 to 44 (21% of the electorate) voted 51% in favor of Democrats and 47% in favor of Republicans. The next age bracket, 45 to 64 (39% of the electorate), voted 44% in favor of Democrats and 54% in favor of Republicans. Those 65 and older (28% of the electorate) voted 43% Democrat and 55% Republican.

As we can see, support for conservative leadership grows with age and wisdom.