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RFK & Trump a Triumvirate Winning Ticket

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2024 Winning Ticket Trump Kennedy

Let’s face the facts. The position of Vice President is far from the limelight. Rarely do you hear about a Vice President making policy except to line their pockets, as Biden did in Ukraine. I am proposing a Triumvirate arrangement where the 2024 winning ticket would be for RFK Jr. to join Trump not as VP but as the second most powerful position, as Merrick Garland has demonstrated – Attorney General.


This would be the moment for RFK Jr. to end his presidential bid and join forces with Trump as his future Attorney General. His father was Attorney General (AG), and he would make a FANTASTIC AG, for he would finally bring integrity to that office. He is a great lawyer and would bring in like-minded lawyers to clean out the corruption in all of these agencies, and in that regard, he would be able to fulfill Trump’s promise—DRAIN THE SWAMP!

RFK to Chair Vaccine Commission

This may come as a total shock to people, but back in 2016, Trump and RFK met at Trump Tower. Trump was to create a vaccine commission, and he wanted RFK to head that operation. Based on my independent sources, not RFK Jr, I believe that Pfizer twisted a few arms to ensure that did not happen. There was a chorus of pro-Pfizer proponents like Dr. Joseph Perrone, who immediately came out and said: “Trump has sipped the anti-vaxxing Kool-Aid … Lending credibility to the anti-vaccine camp ensures preventable tragedies will occur more frequently.” (The Monitor 1-17-2017 pg 5B).

The Buffalo News

I believe Pfizer pulled out every rabbit from the hat to ensure Trump abandoned RFK to stop any investigation into their activity. “In a week packed with confirmation hearings and Russian hacking allegations, what was he doing meeting with Robert Kennedy Jr., an anti-vaccine activist pushing the thoroughly discredited idea that vaccines cause autism?”  The Buffalo News showed just how much of a Pfizer mouthpiece the press became. “In a week packed with confirmation hearings and Russian hacking allegations, what was he doing meeting with Robert Kennedy Jr., an anti-vaccine activist pushing the thoroughly discredited idea that vaccines cause autism?” 

Vaccine Safety Commission Close Oct 2020



What is really fascinating is that the lobbying against this vaccine commission became intense and forced Trump to shut it down in 2019 just in time for Pfizer to create the COVID-19 vaccine. The New York Times interestingly wrote on Oct. 23, 2020, just as COVID-19 was released, which would censored today as misinformation:

“Purely by chance, thousands of vaccinated people will have heart attacks, strokes and other illnesses shortly after the injections. Sorting out whether the vaccines had anything to do with their ailments will be a thorny problem, requiring a vast, coordinated effort by state and federal agencies, hospitals, drug makers and insurers to discern patterns in a flood of data. Findings will need to be clearly communicated to a distrustful public swamped with disinformation.”

2024 Winning Ticket

2nd Triumvirate

So, the VP position is really a waste of RFK Jr’s talents. He would make a fantastic Attorney General, for he would most certainly drain the swamp. The ticket should be a Triumvirate arrangement that worked for Rome, and it should be marketed that way as a ticket of three – not two. Because of the corruption that Merrick Garland has brought to the Department of Justice, RFK would redirect it to what it is supposed to be. It really does not matter who the VP is. The position of AG is far more important, and RFK and Trump have common ground on draining the SWAMP, but they are also both ANTI-WAR.

This would be good for Trump, for it would merge RFK’s passionate followers. Most importantly, the two campaigning together would relieve any suspicion that Trump would fire him. All the firings of Trump before were people who the “PARTY” installed to protect the SWAMP. Their agreement on the anti-war and draining the swamp would be a win-win for both.