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The Insanity of the Times – The Power Grab But to What End?

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Insanity of the times



Am a long time blog follower, as well as a Plus membership subscriber.

I penned this poem about the absurdity that is happening with this Corona episode. I was hoping that you could share it with the public on your blog.

Hour after hour day after day,
mainstream and state media has the same thing to say.

Causing a panic amongst the masses,
gotten to the point where many cannot find the material to wipe their own asses.

A lot of societies vulnerable have lost their employment,
living on government handouts brings no enjoyment.

Media aggression,
has caused a severe depression.

Perhaps this will all pass in a matter of time,
though probably not before a major surge in crime.

Government says we cannot leave our door,
yet every year the common flu kills so many more.

So isolate yourself and follow our news,
makes one wonder if this is all just a ruse?

I surely am not the lone informed soul,
understanding the endgame is more government control!
