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International News

Attempted Assassination of Trump 7-13-24

  The computer has targeted this week for the start of civil unrest and international discord as it rises, perhaps into February 2025. I did not expect it to...

Could the September Target Indicate Biden’s Death?

I cannot answer whether or not Joe Biden’s death will be the catalyst for the September 2024 panic cycle our computers have been forecasting for decades. The...

The Black Death is Back

Health agencies reported new cases of “The Black Death,” officially known as the bacterium Yersinia pestis in the United States. The plague is...

The Clinton-Harris Ticket

Polls are already asking voters whether they would support Hillary Clinton as president. Even international news outlets are posting this information. When did...

Left in France Adopts Biden’s Tactics – Criminally Charging LePen

POLITICO has reported that the Paris prosecutor’s office confirmed that they have launched a criminal investigation after a preliminary inquiry. The...

Biden Aims to Ban Restrictions on Migrant Voters

It should alarm every American citizen that the sitting President of the United States, who has opened our border to over 9 million illegals, just announced that he...

Household Debt in Canada Exceeds 100% of GDP

World leaders spend recklessly with no regard for the overall economy. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has fallen out of favor for one primary reason – the...

How To End Ukrainian War in 5 minutes

When Yugoslavia broke up, it did so along ethnic lines. This is why the West is waging World War III because they hate Russians when there is no difference here...

Democrats Want Kennedy off the Ballot

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a man of the people who has been fighting the corrupt system to remain on the ballots. The mainstream media refuses to cover Kennedy’s...

Biden Sends Letter He Will Not Step Down

Biden sent a letter to fellow Democrats, appearing to dig his heels in. I do not think any speculation concerning Biden graciously stepping down before the...