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Freedom Convoy Organizer Tamara Lich’s Bail Revoked 

Tamara Lich was one of the Canadian Freedom Convoy organizers. She made a cryptic video in February stating that the Canadian government hunting her down. Lich...

Happy Canada Day

Happy birthday to Canada. Canada is celebrating the enactment of the Constitution Act that was signed on July 1, 1867. We appreciate those who continue to fight for...

Canada Waives Vaccine Requirement for Ukrainian Refugees

Canadians have been brutalized by vaccine mandates, unable to leave their own country unless they comply. Prime Minister Young Global Leader Trudeau just waived all...

Trudeau’s Advice for the Poor – Kill Yourself

I reported that Canada has begun a eugenics program, yet again, to remove the undesirables from society legally. The Medical Aid in Dying (MAID) program was...

Trudeau Admits He Does Not Understand Basic Math

In an old video that has resurfaced from Justin Trudeau’s days as a West Point Great Academy teacher, the now prime minister admitted that he struggles with basic...

Canada Begins Eugenics Program

While people always point to Nazi, Germany, Canada is no stranger to eugenics. The Sexual Sterilization Act in 1928 forced Indigenous women to undergo...

Trudeau Cuts Backroom Deal to Stay in Power Until at Least 2025

One long-term Canadian client just wrote to me saying: “Never thought that its was possible that Alberta would actually split from Canada but with this new...

Trudeau’s Approval Rating Hits 12-Month Low

Justin Trudeau was hoping the war in Ukraine would distract Canadians from the war he inflicted domestically upon his own people. Trudeau enacted the Emergencies...