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Elon Musk is Exposing the Sheer Hatred of the LEFT

Many people are starting to say that Elon Musk should run for president. Musk was born and grew up in Pretoria, South Africa. He has now become the richest man in...

Denver Tests Basic Income on Homeless

Governments love to conduct social experiments on the masses. What would happen if we gave the most financially vulnerable in our population cash every month? The...

Argentina Raises Interest Rate to 69.5%

Argentina is out of options. I reported on the ongoing widespread protests occurring across the country. The majority of the nation is unemployed, and the currency...

Is China Really Still Communist?

QUESTION:  Hello Martin – In today’s “Spread The Love”, you mention at the end that today, neither Russia or China are communist. I think...

The Collapse of the American Dream

The American Dream, where once upon a time, was when a parent saved to raise their children to have a perpetual better life than they had. Parents would save for...

The Catacomb Pact – Pope Francis & Schwab

QUESTION: I found your comment on Pope Francis not being the “Peter the Roman” who is supposed to be the last Pope before the destruction of Rome. As...

Authentic Soviet Union Recipe

“What will you use to peel your imaginary potatoes in the upcoming socialist utopia?” questions the Babylon Bee. Let’s hope the chef...

Austria’s Head of State Resigns in Corruption Scandal

We really can no longer afford career politicians, for no matter what country we look at, they are inevitably for sale to the highest bidder. Here Chancellor...

Earthquakes & Government Responses

Karl Marx may have failed in creating communism, but he succeeded in turning the world into Socialists. The 19th century onward has been dominated by this idea of...