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Central Bankers & Politicians – Its Time for a Change

COMMENT: It was great seeing you here in Europe. It was even more interesting to see how the central banks are starting to use the ECM rather than wait six to nine...

Credit Card Delinquencies Spike Among the “Rich”

  Inflation can be felt at every tax bracket. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis President Neel Kashkari came out this week and said the public “viscerally...

Interest on US National Debt Hits New Record

Government spending has consequences. The US national debt has surpassed $34.6 trillion at the time of this writing and continues to grow every minute. America has...

Fed President Says Americans Would Prefer a Recession to Inflation

Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis President Neel Kashkari has advised against anticipating near-term rate cuts. While speaking to the Financial Times, the Fed...

Deflation v Inflation v Stagflation – Misconceptions Clarified

Some people have a very hard time understanding that we are in a massive deflationary spiral; they think that rising prices simply means it is inflation and not...

Bankers & Interest

The history of interest rates is provided on this site. Interest rates in a developed economy reflect the “option” value on the expected decline in purchasing...

The Problem with K-Waves

All those investigating cycles within the economy made a simple mistake. Kondratieff followed agriculture/commodity prices when agriculture accounted for 70% of the...

The Basics of Trading

The most fundamental truth about trading is that your opponent is YOURSELF. The majority must be wrong because they are the fuel that propels the market. The market...

The Theory of Non-Linear Intervention

Economics is well known for rather unrealistic theories based upon fundamentally unsound principles, such as the assumption that all things remain equal. Reality...

Correlations Explained

It is crucial to understand correlations as EVERYTHING fluctuates! There is absolutely nothing that remains constant. You MUST understand that correlations...