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France Exempting Itself from all EU Rules

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Do politicians ever really care about society? President Hollande wants to change the French Constitution, but he also wants to extend the state of emergency indefinitely. Why? Is this really about terrorism? Sure, more than 80% of the French are willing to give up civil liberties for security, just as Americans responded after 9/11. That is the problem, for once power is given to government it is never returned. That is just a fact of life.

However, it now turns out that France cannot meet the EU criteria, as was the case for Greece. Therefore, the politicians in power want to extend the state of emergency because that exempts them from all EU economic criteria. Nothing but nothing can ever be just straight up. Increase your security, of course. That’s understandable. But to extend a state of emergency for political purposes seems to be a secret political bonus. The euro is doomed anyhow. This just illustrates that the second largest member is also in the same position as Greece. They are using the siege of Paris as their get out of responsibility card in this game of Monopoly.