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Climate Change & Indoctrinating the Youth

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Hitler Youth

COMMENT: Hi Martin,
I wanted to comment about the blog posting ‘Fauci Belongs in Prison’. Having three children on remote learning by choice because we refuse to subject them to the draconian lockdowns at the school and mandatory mask requirements. Correct me if I am wrong, but didn’t Hitler say something like, “Forget about the adults, we want the children”, and those children turned out to be the killers in WWII.

Unfortunately, we have been able to witness the school’s systems brainwashing propaganda machine in action with our children. In the first week of school our son in middle school was tasked to watching videos with Fauci and Gates about masks, vaccinations, social distancing, etc. The same brainwashing machine was at work with our elementary school students, but it was being directed by the teachers. It is frightening to watch this in action!

My son loves to challenge the teachers with questions, with the information he also reads with me on your blog.
Keep up the awesome work, you are also getting the truth to our kids!

All the best,

REPLY: The schools have been deliberately engaging in this socialistic propaganda to serve this “greater good” with the same old story for the betterment of humankind. Another reader from Canada said their child was told that all the ice will be gone in 5 years and Russia will then invade Canada. This is indeed brainwashing on a major scale.

You Are correct that the entire Hitler Youth actually began in 1922. They banned the Boy Scouts in 1935 and the Nazi Youth adopted much of the same with hiking and camping but provided the indoctrination into the Nazi Philosophy which included racism. They groomed the youth to fight the cause.

This is exactly what the leftist agenda has been doing with our youth for the past two decades with intensity. They now count on them to overthrow Trump and then move to this globalist agenda supported by Climate Change that is for the greater good.