Tag: US debt
The GOP’s Debt Ceiling Demands
May 24, 2023
The Republicans and Democrats are refusing to agree on the debt ceiling crisis. The government will be unable to pay its bills and the US will default if an...
PoliticsUS Embezzles an Additional $3 Billion to Ukraine
August 26, 2022
America has pledged to embezzle (donate) another $3 BILLION into Ukraine. The Associated Press claims that this money will be used for equipment and training...
Corruption WarAmerican Household Debt Surpasses $16 Trillion
August 8, 2022
American household has reached a new high, according to a report by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Total household debt has surpassed $16 trillion for the...
USA Current EventsJapan Surpasses China as Top Holder of US Debt
July 22, 2022
For the first time since 2010, China holds less than $1 trillion in US debt. China held $980.8 billion in US debt in May, a $23 billion decline from April and a...
EconomicsDebt Burden v Equities
April 3, 2017
QUESTION: Hey Marty, If the US debt bubble bursts, how does this not affect the banks and insurance companies, as they hold over $1 trillion worth of US debt?...
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