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The French Revolutions – How Many Have There Been?

QUESTION: I am wondering about the French Revolution. Was it the first, or is history here also cyclical, and there have been revolutions in France earlier and...

Thank God for Truckers & Farmers

The World needs to thank the Canadian Truckers. They have inspired so many around the world. The Farmers have staged massive protests in the Netherlands, then...

The French Know How to Protest

French farmers throw manure on government buildings to protest high taxes in agricultural sector. This is an effective protest. —...

PRIVATE BLOG – The French Revolution – It’s Not What You Think

PRIVATE BLOG – The French Revolution – It’s Not What You Think Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for...

France to Confiscate All Private Land by 2025

QUESTION: I am writing to you today to seek your expert advice on a much-discussed topic in France: the Lagleize Law. As you probably know, this law, if passed,...

French Protestors Target BlackRock

  @ ♬ – The pension reform protests in France grew to new proportions. Protesters have not allowed the government to silence them. On Thursday, over...

Civil Unrest Growing in France

Protests are appearing across France as people are demanding changes. I must say, I do respect the French for always taking to the streets when their politicians...

French Fuel Shortage Leads to Yellow Vest Resurgence

The French, especially in Paris, are starting to feel the effects of the gas shortage. There are reports of cars queued for miles outside gas stations. Some have...