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QE or Austerity? Is there a 3rd Alternative?

QUESTION: In your writings you seem to be both against QE and against Austerity. What then is the third way? How do we get out of this high debt, high deficit, low growth cycle without using either of these methods or a collapse and reboot? On a side note I was curious if you were […]

The NSA Is Changing the Behavior of the World

Merkel said that the difference between the NSA and the East German Stasi, is that the Stasi did not get caught. The backlash against the USA is really off the charts. The US press will not report just how damaging this has become internationally. Now in Germany as in Switzerland and even down in Brazil, […]

Gold & the 1974 Memo

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for your valued forecasting and the clarity that you add to deciphering the cyclical nature of those things which govern our world. I am always amused by the arguments surrounding GOLD raised here and on other sites. I tend to hold around 10% of my portfolio in precious metals and […]

Another Debt Showdown coming in Washington next year? Don’t bet on it.

Contributed by Glen Downs; From Capital Hill Now that the federal debt and spending cans have been kicked down the road until after the first of the year, a number of people have contacted me to see if the recent showdown will be repeated when the next days of reckoning occur. In this case, while […]

Taxing Unrealized Gains

COMMENT:  Hello Martin The problem with the collectible market in the eyes of a C accountant.. You have this asset and this asset has gone up but the govt has not been able to benefit. I noticed that in Australia they have this deal where they can make you partially revalue an asset. So if […]

DEBT CRISIS – It Just Keeps Going

Like the pink energizer Bunny, the DEBT CRISIS just keeps going. The solutions of the EU, IMF, and the USA, are simply brain-dead. They offer nothing to solve the problem and hope beyond dreams that some miracle will happen and it will all go away. Greece has apparently cheated on its current deficit messages to the […]

Hyperinflation Question

QUESTION: First, thank you for your insights on the economy and investing.  Your track record is amazing and I’ve come to rely on your views as an accurate lens of perspective towards our current and upcoming troubles. I have a basic question about the upcoming hyperinflation… If we experience a bout of hyperinflation similar to […]

The Way of the Future

“Come, Watson, come!” Sherlock Holmes cried. “The game is afoot. Not a word! Into your clothes and come!” There has been some who are upset at IBM’s Watson who they have been educating regarding medicine. Artificial Intelligence is the way of the future for as individuals we learn personally, yet are incapable of preserving and passing […]

European Banking Crisis – Seizing 10% of Everyone’s Accounts – Hello Cyprus

The European Banking Crisis is getting much worse and the whole structure is crumbling to dust. The banks cannot save themselves. The entire crisis is all about the structural design of the Euro, which the politicians will not address. They failed to create a single national debt and in so doing, the banks then used […]

France is considering Nationalization of Peugeot

The French Solution – if it does not make a profit or is dysfunctional, then Nationalize it. The French car-maker is broke once again and France is considering nationalization defying as always the Business Cycle. I was called in by one of the Top 10 French companies in Germany. This is how government should be barred from […]