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Pension Crisis Fueled by Manipulation of Interest Rates by Central Banks

The pension crisis is beginning to emerge as a real growing problem. The central banks have been keeping interest rates low for the primary reason of reducing the national debts. In Germany, they are beginning to notice that not merely are government pensions growing faster than private as public servants help themselves to our income […]

The Coming Forced Loans

In Germany the people are starting to notice that government pensions are growing far more rapidly than those in the private sector. We have to realize that about 50% of all taxes in Detroit went to pensions. This same economic model destroyed Rome. This is what we face, yet we cannot prevent the crash and […]

The Middle East

A mosque was blown up in Lebanon because the cleric there was preaching how people should join the holy war in Syria. Obama is now supporting the religious terrorists he has used to justify stripping us of all our rights with X-Ray machines that expose you to accumulative x-rays and the NSA. People have to […]

The European Debt Bomb – Unbelievable

The solution we have been working on is rapidly becoming the only way out. The amount of debt keeps growing and there is just no way to resolve this mess. Either we go into a massive default wiping out all pensions, or we keep raising taxes and destroying the economy wiping out the youth and […]

Can Europe Hyperinflate?

QUESTION: Does “Europe” constitute a new/revolutionary state and is therefore liable to Hyperinflate? ANSWER: No. The revolutionary type government such as Germany with its Communist Revolution in 1918 do not honor the debt of the previous government and was unable to sell bonds. Therefore, it lacked the confidence of capital and sent capital fleeing and […]

What Can We Do?

A number of people have asked what can we do about losing our rights. I believe there is nothing we actually can do until the majority get upset. That may be what the 2016 Presidential elections are about. Political Change only comes when the economy turns down. The old adage – if it ain’t broke […]

The Next Generation Pensions R Vanishing – Why The Dow May Yet Double

Since the late 1990s, the birth rate is relatively constant at 1.4 children per woman in Germany. according to the Federal Statistical Office . This is effectively the same trend among all developed nations. This eventually leads not only to the fact that the population is decreasing not only in Germany but in all developed […]

EU Commission Staged Coup Against Berlusconi in Italy

What is emerging over elections in Italy is really amazing. We have had the EU claim that the Italian Mafia is controlling elections in June. However, what is now starting to emerge is that the EU Commission played an active role in staging a coup to oust the former Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi and replace with […]

September Chaos Obama Wants $1.6 Trillion More in Taxes

President Obama is already posturing to raise taxes again. He is now calling for $1.6 trillion in tax increases. We are headed into a massive black hole and there is not much we are going to be able to do. These politicians are totally out in left field and we may actually see a government […]

The Coming Budget Fights in September

Congress goes on vacation for a month and upon return the fight will be the budget and debt ceiling. Obama is already trying to blame the Republicans for undermining his proposals for the Middle Class. But this is really a joke. If you just look at Detroit, about 50% of all tax revenue is going […]