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United Stasi of America

The thing I find truly astonishing is just when you think the US press could not possibly sink any further, they amazingly find even a lower level. It took the Guardian in Britain to expose the NSA in the USA. It took the American press 30 seconds to discover Snowden’s girlfriend. The images of Snowden’s […]

Wiemar Republic & Gresham’s Law

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for taking the time to address the questions that I and many others who follow your work have asked. In your most recent answer to a readers question, you state, “Therefore, it was the complete lack of CONFIDENCE in the government that (1) caused the hoarding, and…..”  From what I have read […]

Seniors Are the Greediest Generation

  Alan Simpson, Wyoming Republican Senator who became co-chair of President Obama’s deficit commission, called senior citizens the “Greediest Generation” as he compared Social Security to a Milk Cow with 310 million teats. This career politician’s comments illustrates the entire problem why we do not have a democracy. These people rig the game to get elected, […]

Keynes, John Maynard

John Maynard Keynes 1883-1946 John Maynard Keynes was a British economist who revolutionized economic thought, which is widely known as “Keynesianism.” The son of a Cambridge don, Keynes was educated at Eton and Cambridge, where his degree was in mathematics. John Maynard Keynes was educated at King’s College, Cambridge, from 1902–1906 and DID NOT have a […]

Gold the Real Conspiracy

Behind the dramatic fall in the gold price has been the subject of countless conspiracy theories that all pretty much center on the notion that the entire global economy revolves around gold. The only tangible conspiracy by governments is to hunt down as much cash as they can. The real secret strategy of central banks […]

Europe – The Greatest Threat to World Economy

  The German Revolution of 1918 that brought to power the Weimar Republic, had actually invited the Russian Communists to come take control of Germany. This is why Germany went into hyperinflation. ALL wealth went into hoarding. There was nothing to be found anywhere. The new government was unable to sell any bonds because who […]

Inflation v Deflation – Reality Check

QUESTION: I read your metals report. This is really a great read. It is deflation that destroys empires by sucking in all assets like a black hole eats star systems. I am correct? ANSWER: Yes! The hyperinflationists only look at Germany and Zimbabwe and assume if you print enough money that is where you go. […]

The Rise & Fall of the Euro

Copyright August 21st, 2011 Please register for Special Updates and Please send comments and suggestions to ArmstrongEconomics.COM Copyright Martin A. Armstrong All Rights Reserved  This Report may be forwarded as you like without charge to individuals or governments around the world. It is provided as a Public Service at this time without cost because of […]

Two-Tier Monetary Systems & Local Alternative Currencies

Throughout history there has been countless two-tier monetary systems where at times there have been a local currency issued by the immediate government, yet the people rely upon the currency of another government. Such periods are interesting for they are not official but emerge by the people rather than through a decree of a government. […]

Asia – The Coming New Financial Capital of the World

Asia – The Coming New Financial Capital of the World   One of the most significant advantages of gathering historical information on the rise and fall of nations throughout history, has been the discovery of the true nature of the world economy and its interactions with mankind. Nothing lasts forever. There are four seasons to […]