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NASA Funded Study says Civilization WIll Collapse

  Apocalypse Now A reader passed this on for comment. NASA funded a study that is yet another Marxist-slanted product that says civilization will collapse because of the unequal distribution of wealth and the exploitation of natural resources. It is interesting that they state that “the process of rise-and-collapse is actually a recurrent cycle found […]

West is Impudent – This is like the Fall of Rome

Obama has spoken harsh words threatening there will be “costs” to a Russian invasion of Ukraine, but these “costs” will simply be economic sanctions that will further the new Cold War. Putin asked the Russian upper house legislature for “permission” to invade and of course they granted that hands down. The barbarians tried for decades […]

Using the Internet to Destroy Reputations & Inject False Info

We also know how bad mainstream media is these days in every country. Governments have been threatening and controlling the press for quite some time. Just recently, Russia simply shut down TV stations telling the truth about the Ukraine hiding the level of sheer decadence and corruption that is all over the internet these days […]

The Fourth Branch – DEEP STATE – In Plaint Sight

There has been the typical strategy to label anything that questions government’s ethics as the “conspiracy theory” so that it may still exist in plain sight. In most cases, there is a tool to further that goal of disinformation to allow corruption to exist in plain sight, yet denied. They use people who spin whatever real […]

Enslaving the Next Generation

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong: I have 2 questions. I’m 31, and like most graduates of graduate schools, I have student loans. 1) What will happen to our generation who seem to be getting more and more stuck in student loan debt, which is backed by the federal government?  Will the government forgive it?  Or will […]

Europe Outlawing Short-Selling – And There Goes Britain?

Cameron loses fight with EU over allowing short-selling. The European politicians think they can prevent a collapse by outlawing short-selling. What these morons fail to grasp is that once a market turns down and confidence vanishes, the ONLY support is short-covering. Without that, you get the 90% declines as was the case during the Great […]

The Collapse of Socialism Driven by Political Corruption

The rise is Civil Unrest is precisely on time and it is being driven by economic decline in the standard of living and the opportunity to even survive thanks to socialism. Government is simply incapable of ever doing anything right or actually doing anything for society other than fill their pockets for self-interest. In Europe, […]

Cycles of War – Guardian Asks is it Repeating?

Indeed, World War I does not erupt solely by the assassination of the Archduke of Austria. Resentment builds and you have to look for the subtle signs. In the case of World War I, it really began with old resentment dealing with the Christian;Muslim confrontation with the old Ottoman Empire. Even that goes back to […]

MADMAX v Restructure

QUESTION: Hi Marty, You truly are the gadfly that Plato described of Socrates who kept pestering Greek government till they executed him but who Socrates commented that you are only killing the government and society more than you are killing me!  You talk of the collapse of the American empire sometime in 2032 analogous to […]

Hyperinflation Impossibility in Private Sector

COMMENT:  Martin, would the Hyper Inflation Deflation Debate be as simple as using a stock share consolidation example to get it to people’s thick heads who believe Hyperinflation is coming? If a large Company like Google was going bankrupt due to enormous debt does the public actually believe the shares would hyper-inflate LOL! Do you […]