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We have TWO Constitutional Crises At Issue

  While we now have people chanting to impeach Trump under the 25th Amendment, we also have a true Treasonous Constitutional Crisis of UNELECTED bureaucrats working to undermine an ELECTED official by the people. Regardless of the issue in play, which they refuse to describe as in the OP_ED, this is a major Constitutional Crisis […]

Deep State Using Discredit Strategy to Drive Trump from Office to What End?

QUESTION: With Bob Woodward joining the plot to overthrow Trump, do you think he can survive? KA ANSWER: No. Woodward says he recorded all his interviews. I do not see him as just making this up with a personal opinion. That does not say what he has been told is true. It is unlikely that […]

What Politics Regards us as the Great Unwashed & We the Subjects not People

Many questions have come in about connecting the dots. I want to explain a critical point. Both Democrats & Republicans have one thing in common. They do not consider us “We the People” but rather “We the Subjects” which is a significant difference for we are also the Great Unwashed. Both John McCain & John […]

Lanny Davis Makes it Clear The Prosecutor Wrote the Script & His Client Cohen Just Agreed – Not his Own Words

  Lanny Davis is the attorney representing Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen. Here is a lesson in legal wordsmithing. This attorney Mr. Davis cleverly avoids any direct answer and the press does not even understand his answer. He specifically states that Cohen did not plead in his own word, that the prosecutors wrote the script to […]

The 3rd Film on the Magnitsky Affair

    There is also a third film produced which ties Browder, Safra, Magnitsky, and Berezovksy all together and there have been critics of this as well. Something is very strange why this affair ever rose to the level of passing the Magnitsky Act. This appears to be a false flag to demonize Putin and thereby all Russians […]

CNN Confirmed Money Was Stolen from IMF

In the movie The Forecaster, I explained that they got Yeltsin to take money from the IMF loans and then they steered that wire through the Bank of New York. As soon as that wire hit, Republic National Bank and Edmond Safra, who was the MAJORITY shareholder of Hermitage Capital at that time, ran to […]

Magnitsky Act & the Strange Backdrop

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong – thanks for your efforts on providing us with links to the Magnitski video. I began watching the video last night and then came back to it this morning and was truly amazed that the link was no longer active. I’m curious. Was Magnitski ever charged with anything and or why were they […]

Magnitsky Act & the Cover-Up of Unprecedented Corruption

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I seem to recall that in your case HSBC had to plead guilty and paid back only $600 million because the difference in the notes in yen was your profit. Putin specifically mentioned that the $400 was stolen. That was you he was talking about. Then the $10 billion they wanted you […]

Another Banned Documentary Hidden from Americans Concerning Russia

The entire story in the Western Press has painted Trump as being some sort of puppet of Putin. The latest story is how the press is touting that Trump, Jr. said that the Magnitsky Act would be reconsidered if his father won. This story is plastered all over the press as in Newsweek and others […]

The Media Completely Ignores Putin’s Request to Interrogate US Officials About Interfering in Russia

  What is interesting about the Trump & Putin press conference is how the Western Media focuses on the claims of Russian interference in the US election and refuse to report any involvement of the New York Banks attempt to take over Russia by blackmailing Yeltsin. Putin says very clearly that Mueller can go to […]