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Shanghai Technical Training Seminar

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Shanghai Technical Training Seminar

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We are attempting to arrange venue for a Technical Training Conference for two days. Because this is a classroom, seating will be limited. The price per seat will be $10,000. That will include all materials. You cannot go to college or university to get a degree in Hedge Fund management. Here, Martin Armstrong, who was named “Economist of the Decade” by Equity Magazine and voted Hedge Fund Manager of the Year, will be providing the only such course available on the global economy.

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This will include trading techniques, How to Trade a Panic, Cyclical Analysis, and Technical Analysis. The public funds that Armstrong traded for Deutsche Bank and Magnum increased more than 60% in 10 days during the Long-Term Capital Management Panic. So this is not theory.

Furthermore, many people can trade well with small amounts of money. Hand them a bunch, and they start to lose. Why? Trading BIG money is substantially different than SMALL where you can simply call up the broker and say SELL! With BIG money, that is not possible. You have to trade entirely different and in a strategic manner.

Reserve you seat now. We will let you know the dates & venue when available.

[email protected]