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Yes Socrates Monitors the World

A ton of questions have been coming in. Why the name? I have always called him Socrates from the first day he spoke. Read the Apology of Socrates written by Plato where he was condemned to death for basically knowing too much. The Oracle of Delphi was asked who was the smartest man in all […]

Desperate Governments & Why you Have no Rights When it is NEGATIVE rather than POSITIVE

Around the globe governments are simply going nuts. People grew up THINKING they had rights because of Perry Mason in court dramas where the truth always prevailed. However, the law is not what you think so the rules you have been playing by your whole life are not there. Governments are so desperate for money […]

American Oligarchy – Harry Reid’s Doing

The US has been hunting down American citizens on a worldwide basis. Individuals can not expand their business overseas and Congress has destroyed American entrepreneurship on a grand scale. The ONLY Americans who operate overseas are now the MAJOR public corporations since there is a presumption that they are not hiding money – only individuals […]

Inflation/Deflation Reality Check – Understanding the Rules of the Game

QUESTION:  I compliment you on your recent blogs about inflation/deflation. The blogs were instructive, and you had no agenda other than providing your best understanding of the topic. That cannot be said for all of the heavyweight government spokespersons that make public (mis)statements about this most basic economic process. My comprehension from reading your blog […]

Lagarde – Part II

I should point out that this problem of always trying to reduce things to a single cause and effect is a serious error we make overall within society that has to stop. Legarde is correct the problem is LOW INFLATION but she cannot stimulate by merely increasing the money supply. The Fed has proven that […]

The New Age of Virtual Protectionism & the US Virtual Oligarchy

McDonald’s has announced it has closed its stores in Crimea, given that prominent Moscow politicians are calling for all the expulsion of U.S. fast food chain outlets from Russia. There is a call to close all 400 stores of McDonald’s in Russia. This is demonstrating that not merely is the Cold War back, we are looking […]

New Zealand Reporting on US Citizens

The USA continues to tighten the noose on the world economy. These people are hunting taxes but destroying the world economy. Now they have targeted New Zealand. Americans cannot open accounts offshore because the fines owed to America for not reporting an American can bankrupt a bank as was seen in Switzerland. These people are […]

South Korea

The history of South Korea formally began with its establishment on August 15th, 1948. In the aftermath of the Japanese occupation of Korea following Japan’s defeat in 1945, Korea was divided at the 38th parallel in accordance with a United Nations arrangement. The North was to be administered by the Soviet Union and the South fell […]

North Korea Fires Artillery Shells in the South As they Return Fire

North Korea fired more than 100 artillery rounds into South Korean waters as part of a military drill on Monday, March 31st. The South returned the fire. The North is more-likely-than-not going to engage the South after 2015.75. When the economy turns down, the saber-rattling may turn into actual confrontation. The North will need its […]

The US did NOT cause the Fall of the Soviet Union – that is a False Belief on Both Sides

There is a serious issue at the core of the USA-Russian renewed Cold War. Both sides fail to understand how and why the Cold War ended. This is a profound problem that impacts both Russian and Western attitudes risking war in the future. This very common assumption that the West somehow succeeded in causing the collapse […]