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The CO2 Propaganda Agenda

COMMENT: You are misleading everyone. Climate Change is real, and the danger is CO2 must be eliminated. Everyone knows that. HV REPLY: Obviously, you just read the propaganda. Do you remember science class? CO2 is vital to the planet. They assume that everyone is a moron. If there were zero CO2, there would be no […]

The Real COVID Agenda Nobody Will Expose

In Germany, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) wanted another lockdown to push forward the agenda of the Great Reset. A secret paper of the controversial RKI boss Lothar Wieler was leaked, which was pushing an agenda to lock down the country again, disguising the true goals, which had nothing to do with health. From the […]

Trump’s Farewell & Now the Great Reset & The Secret Agenda – Divide & Conquer

  CNN has done its best to absolutely trash everything Trump has ever done. They even have the audacity to write: “He leaves office with more than 400,000 Americans dead from a virus he chose to downplay or ignore” despite the fact when he shut down air travel from China the Democrats called him racist. […]

Spain & Climate Change Agenda Merged with Virus Agenda

COMMENT: Hi Marty, Hope you’re well. Still in lockdown… there are now strict time slots when people (based on age, etc) can leave home (unless they’re going to work or to do grocery shopping), A few regions (the islands, basically) have relaxed the rules more, but not the large cities and more populated provinces. At any […]

Switzerland is No Longer Neutral

“Neutral like Switzerland” can no longer be a saying as the Swiss government has announced it is joining the European Sky Shield Initiative (ESSI) to develop a shared missile defense system across Europe. Switzerland is neither an official member of the European Union nor a member of NATO. Yet, the nation forfeited its neutrality stance […]

What Happened to Internet for All?

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris campaigned on a promise to connect Americans to high-speed internet. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act set aside $42.5 billion to the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) program. “What we’re doing is, as I said, not unlike what Franklin Delano Roosevelt did when he brought electricity to nearly every […]

Milei Stands Alone Against United Nations

? #Argentina | El presidente @JMilei anuncia su desvinculación del Pacto de Futuro ONU 2045: ?️ "Invitamos a todas las naciones del mundo libre a que nos acompañen en la creación de una nueva agenda para esta noble institución: La Agenda de la Libertad. A partir de este día… — VOZ (@VozMediaUSA) September 24, […]

Countries Grow Weary of United Nations

The majority has always accepted the United Nations as a world governing force. Sentiment may be changing according to a new Pew Research Center survey that found support for this global conglomerate waning across the globe. Of the 35 countries surveyed, 58% still have positive sentiments about the organization, but 31% see it as a […]

Geologic Hydrogen – the Next Gold Rush?

Around 96% of hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels, with around 1% derived from renewable sources. Global demand for hydrogen is on the rise and will increase to 95 million tonnes by 2022. As over 150+ nations have committed to reducing green policies, hydrogen production has been met with challenges and uncertainty, which is why […]

Biden’s Attempt to Restrain the Supreme Court Warns the End is Near

This partisan part-time political hack we call President Biden has had the blatant gall to call for term limits on Justices of the Supreme Court only because the Democrats want the Court to rule as they see fit – not according to the Constitution. In HARRIS v. McRAE, 448 U.S. 297 (1980), a pregnant woman […]