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Make America Healthy Again

I had been pleading for RFK to join Trump’s team as Attorney General as it is the most powerful position in Washington, providing Kennedy absolute immunity, AND he can clear out the swamp. Kennedy joined Trump’s team but his position has not been announced. However, Kennedy said his main goal in joining Trump is to […]

Kamala’s Economic Plan Will Destroy the US Economy & Lead to Food Shortages

  Kamala Harris’ father was basically a radial communist. She is not far from her father’s ideas, any more than Bill Gates is different from his father’s fears of population when he created Planned Parenthood and stuck them in minority areas to reduce the population of blacks. No matter how many times Socialism has been […]

Paris Olympics Failure – Green Policies on Display

The Paris Olympics was a preview of what to expect under Agenda 2030 and other lofty climate change goals. Paris aimed to host the most sustainable Olympics in history with a 50% target reduction in carbon emissions compared to previous Olympics like Rio 2016 or London 2012. The world’s most impressive athletes are now speaking […]

When the Democrats Say They Are Defending Democracy They Mean the Opposite

All we heard was they were defending Democracy by trying to keep Trump off the ballot and RFK, and they orchestrated a host of criminal actions against Trump, all by hand-picked Democratic prosecutors. Then I reported from the very beginning that Biden would step down after the Republican Convention and the scheme was to DENY the people […]

Did the WEF force Harley Davidson to go Woke?

It seemed like a blatantly poor business decision for American motorcycle manufacturer Harley Davidson to go woke. After all, the company is associated with conservative values and masculinity. The company installed CEO Jochen Zeitz who represents everything the brand’s core base is against – climate change, trans care for kids, DEI efforts, and other woke […]

The War on Farming Continues – Denmark to Tax Cattle

The globalist cabal needs to control the food supply in order to control the masses. The World Economic Forum proposed ending gardening in general. Every nation is watching their farmland bought in bulk, with places like America seeing land taken away through eminent domain laws. The UK imposed a tax on chickens simply to prevent […]

Energy Bills to Rise Across US

The EPA is demanding that we abandon coal and fossil fuels without an alternative. The agency is seeking to shut down American power plants in favor of renewables. Energy prices are already reaching new highs. The National Energy Assistance Directors Association (NEADA) and the Center for Energy Poverty and Climate (CEPC) issued a warning that […]

Capital Gains Taxes Loom Over Blue States – Welcome to the Great Reset

Eleven states may face capital gain taxes to comply with the Biden Administration’s 2025 budget, in which the government must hunt the people for taxes to pay for a fraction of their spending. The concept of capital gains was not within the original Constitution.  The Founding Fathers established a completely new nation in an attempt […]

DeSantis Bans Lab-Grown Meat

Now more than ever it is the duty of the state, not the federal government, to protect its citizens. Ron DeSantis signed a new bill in an effort to save Florida’s agriculture and cattle industry, and possibly a boost to the leisure and hospitality sector as well. S.B. 1084 will prohibit companies attempting to “manufacture […]

Predictive Programming from 30 Years Ago

When they tell us things such as, “You will own nothing,” we scoff and dismiss them. They are always placing the truth in plain sight. Did they have this technology all along?   A reader sent me the image above of an advertisement published in a magazine over 30 years ago. A basic EV does […]