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Hoarding Cash

The reason there is a shortage of cash developing around the world is rather straight-forward. The trust in the government is collapsing. Italy has just lowered the legal amount someone can pay for anything in cash from €3000 to €2000. Australia made it a criminal act to pay for anything with A$10,000 or more (US$7,000).  […]

Hoarding Gold & Dollars in Europe

QUESTION: Marty, living in Europe where the talk about the elimination of cash is loud I am asking myself what is planned for foreign currencies, e.g. USD, one holds in cash at home? They can´t forbid it because foreign exchange is needed for traveling. Even when they forbid it, there must be the possibility to […]

Civil Unrest = Hoarding of Assets

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You pick themes that are not really just political on the surface, but beneath you are connecting the dots economically. This is what I read between the lines for you do not always emphasize it in every post why you will address issues like migration and civil unrest. Are these serious issues […]

Hoarding Gold in Times of Trouble

Perhaps one of the most famous discoveries from Pompeii is known as the Boscoreale Treasure. This discovery came to light in 1895, when the treasure was uncovered among volcanic ash from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius on August 24, 79 AD. In 1895, excavations at a Roman villa at Boscoreale on the slopes of Vesuvius […]

The Sharp Rise in Hoarding Cash = Deflationary Trend

In ancient times, whenever there was a rise in war or political uncertainty, the human reaction was to hoard money. The hoard of ancient Roman coins 3rd century we purchased for study from Britain years ago reflected coins of both the Roman Empire and the Gallic Empire. Even the debased coinage was being hoarded. This […]

Europeans Hoarding Cash Increased 6.4% in 2014

In the United States, there was approximately $1.29 trillion in circulation as of October 1, 2014, of which $1.25 trillion was in Federal Reserve notes. Interesting enough, this was nearly matched now by the Euro. According to the European Central Bank , which publishes its balance sheet every week, circulating euro banknotes has just crossed the […]


QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong. Does deflation  accompany hoarding of cash and the velocity you speak of declines? Is this the trait that you write about and part of the reason gold has declined? ANSWER: People simply save money in times of uncertainty. This is one aspect we have to watch with the turning up of the […]

What About Gold – Hoarding – & the Reserve Dollar Status

The Debt Ceiling Crisis has done far more damage than anyone suspects. It has drawn attention to the Sovereign Debt Crisis by highlighting the national debt and then the “Conservatives” are targeting the Republicans who voted to end the shutdown. While it may be admirable that someone is trying to address the debt crisis, shutting […]

Private Money

Private money has ALWAYS emerged during periods of crisis. The Feuchtwanger Cent was a “German silver” private token coin. German silver is a term for a white appearing metal we use today which is a copper alloy with nickel and often zinc. The usual formulation is 60% copper, 20% nickel, and 20% zinc giving the impression of […]

The Cycle of Rebellions

Spartacus Rebellion 73-71 BC QUESTION: Marty, nobody has done such intense research geopolitically than you. This theory of a one-world government seems absurd with so many languages and cultures. Looking at Ukraine, Kyiv is demanding the people in the Donbas speak only Ukrainian and they must surrender their religion to the Patriarch in Kyiv. This […]