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Terms Used

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Terms Used in PEI Reports

Cyclical Strength
Indicates the Strength of time-related trends. This indicator tends to pick highs and lows in extremely volatile moves (see “How to Use the Indicating Ranges”).
Long-Term Trend
The Long-term direction of a market (see “How to Use the Indicating Ranges”).
The market’s ability to move quickly in either direction (speed) (see “How to Use the Indicating Ranges”).
System Support/Resistance
Refers to levels of market support or resistance as represented by the PEI REVERSAL SYSTEM and the PEI INDICATING RANGES (see “How to Use the Reversal System” and “How to Use the Indicating Ranges”).
Technical Support/Resistance
Refers to levels of market support or resistance as determined through chart analysis (see “Technical Trading Lines”).
Princeton Bifurcation Analysis
Refers to a proprietary methodology developed by Princeton Economics which attempts to find a specific point in time and price that acts as a “strange attractor” in market or economic movement.