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3rd Attempt to Publish This Google Interferes

COMMENT: You spread disinformation. Climate change exists and if we have to all lockdown to save the planet for two or three years, then that’s what we have to do. You are destroying our future. EH REPLY: Thank you for your hate mail. It’s nice to see how easy it is for small minds to […]

Climate Change & COVID = One World Power at the UN

COMMENT: You spread disinformation. Climate change exists and if we have to all lockdown to save the planet for two or three years, then that’s what we have to do. You are destroying our future. EH REPLY: Thank you for your hate mail. It’s nice to see how easy it is for small minds to […]

The End of Democracy?

QUESTION: Marty, I know you reported on the Canadian bill to suspend elections during a pandemic, do you think that is in the cards going ahead? HS ANSWER: I found it shocking that they would actually introduce such legislation in the first place. But what we have to understand is that this is part of […]

Conspiracy Theories Coming True

COMMENT: Marty, your forecasts have been amazingly correct years in advance and then we get to watch other analysts coming in at the last minute to pretend they called it. You have always been in the mix and actually know all the people in all of these events since Long Term Capital Management. I have […]

The Authoritarian Rule & The Post-2032 Hope

Based upon reports from inside several governments, the IMF has been directing all central banks to terminate paper money by 2022 and move to digital currencies. The real motive here is to terminate the underground economy and to ensure that everyone is 100% taxed as they determine. This has been the driving force behind the […]

Housing Market – This Time it is Different

Housing prices have surged at rates not seen since the lead-up to the 2008 financial crisis, according to global data. This has led to questions of whether the housing market is in a bubble that could burst. However, there is one thing that is very clear. This is an entirely different run-up than the 2007-2009 […]

Why They Need to Destroy Everything

  COMMENT: I’m a Canadian and just turned 60 this year and after receiving paperwork about the Canadian Pension here is what I learned. If I take early pension at 60 I’ll receive 489. a month. If I wait till 65 it will be 760. a month. If I wait till 70 it jumps to […]

Biden Going Door-to-Door To Push Gates’ Vaccines

I really have to wonder what is truly going on behind these vaccinations. The death toll keeps rising because there is no verification whatsoever with these vaccines. A 13-year-old boy died in his sleep after being vaccinated. With any medicine, they tell you do not take this if you are taking something else. None of […]

IMF Cryptocurrency is Coming to Dominate the World

The general talk has been that the end of the fiat monetary system is imminent. Central bank digital currencies allegedly threaten the US dollar, according to some very shallow reasoning and a total lack of understanding about why the dollar is even the reserve currency. Beyond that delusion, these people are claiming that cryptocurrency will […]

Political Chaos of 2022

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong Thank you very much for the information you provide about what is going on according to the worlds economy and the scary development we are witnessing in the world. A while ago I think i saw that you wrote something like that the globalists will not succeed to put through the […]