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Obamacare – Intentional Screwup or Incompetence?

QUESTION: Is it possible for them to mess-up the Affordable Care Act on purpose to blame private healthcare providers in order to bring about the single payee system? Thanks, T ANSWER: In all honesty, this is just sheer incompetence. I was just asked if I would ever consider a job as chief economic adviser. The […]

Gold Manipulation?

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, You just wrote, “But rationally looking at this, the seller will actually hurt themselves because they are not achieving the best possible price.” Isn’t that the point, the seller is not attempting to achieve the best price. Your statement acknowledges this is not being done for profit – so then what’s […]

Congressional Hearings on BitCoin

On Monday, Congress held its first congressional hearing on virtual currencies focusing on bitcoin. As Congress discussed bitcoin, the price of one bitcoin soared to more than $750 apiece. Overlooked was the concern focused on anonymity and lack of regulation. Personally, it is hard to imagine a world where they will allow bitcoin to survive when they […]


The latest leak from Snowden is that the NSA has been illegally hacking into the links between centers used by Google and Yahoo. Gen Keith Alexander told Bloomberg TV: “We are not authorized to go into a US company’s servers and take data.” However, here is where you have to read each word carefully to see […]

Taxing Unrealized Gains

COMMENT:  Hello Martin The problem with the collectible market in the eyes of a C accountant.. You have this asset and this asset has gone up but the govt has not been able to benefit. I noticed that in Australia they have this deal where they can make you partially revalue an asset. So if […]

Collector’s Market & Gov’t Aggressiveness

QUESTION: In regards to your recent collector’s market comments, are you saying that the collector’s  markets that have international backing will perform or outperform other sectors on a return on capital basis? Whereas the domestic collector’s market , like Morgan dollars, will under-perform,  if not be crushed by the contracting disposable income (deflation) in the […]

World Trade Turning Negative – Same as Protectionism

A 30-year trend of trade growing at twice the speed of the global economy has come to an end thanks to the USA hunting Americans worldwide. I have been warning these morons, so desperate for money, have been systemically destroying the world economy. The official trend in global trade is now starting to turn negative […]

Ancient Coins As Investment

  A number of people have been inquiring about coins as an investment for parking money. Keep in mind that the best market for coins or stamps tend to be the country of origin. Thus, US coins will bring the highest prices in the USA just as German will bring the best price in Germany. […]

Lower the Liquidity = Greater the Volatility

The hike in VAT to 19% targeting collectors that will apply to silver coins is a bit convoluted yet, but so far it appears that buyer’s purchasing from German auctions and living in Germany will have to pay that tax. There is a lot of negotiating still going on at moment so we’ll see once […]

Hyperinflation Question

QUESTION: First, thank you for your insights on the economy and investing.  Your track record is amazing and I’ve come to rely on your views as an accurate lens of perspective towards our current and upcoming troubles. I have a basic question about the upcoming hyperinflation… If we experience a bout of hyperinflation similar to […]