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The Loss of All Liberty Is Coming Faster Than You Imagined

UK Prime Minister David Cameron reflects the serious problem we have with politicians. Politicians have ZERO respect for our human rights for they only think about how they are going to raid our wealth to pay for their families and retirements at our expense. Cameron actually asked, “In our country, do we want to allow a means of […]

Canada Gives up Own Citizens to the USA IRS

Canada is giving up “accidental Americans” who have one American parent and that means the U.S. IRS wants to hit them with back taxes like an economic slave, even though they never lived in the USA nor have they consumed anything for which they should contribute their “fair share”. Taxes are simply owed to government to […]

Markets in Turmoil: A False Move Preparing For Something Else?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for all your writings. I may not understand them all, but certainly appreciate what you are doing to inform those of us you care what is happening in this world economy. Question: With the dow tanking, is this considered the FALSE move you wrote about previously. That in essence […]

China & the Dollar

The dollar rally and the devaluation of the yuan is not a fluke and it most certainly is not a one-time event. The dollar declined against the yuan for 19 years during the same timing that saw gold decline from 1980 to 1999. The major low on an annual closing basis at 2013 and 2014 was an outside reversal […]

The Age of Deflation & the Fed

It appears that many people are married to the idea that the Fed creates INFLATION by expanding the money supply. Sorry, it does not work that way. Others confuse the fact that interest rate increases are bearish and declines are bullish. All you need to do is look at Japan to see that did not work […]

France Paying Informants to Confiscate Wealth

French customs officials received a tip that lead to the confiscation of a rare painting. The Guardian reported that French customs officers boarded a yacht docked off the town of Calvi in northern Corsica. They knew precisely what they were looking for: a €25 million Picasso belonging to a member of a Spanish banking dynasty. The Roman […]

NSA: A Tax & Economics Espionage Agency

Anyone who thinks this is about terrorism is pathetically naive. The NSA is a top-notch Tax & Economic Espionage (TEE) organization; with terrorism so low on the agenda, it is laughable. You do not collect every phone call worldwide of billions of people to sort out even 100 terrorists. They store all that data and can input your name and […]

The Tax Hunt for Loose Change – Germany To Cause Mass Exit of Existing Assets

Well if you ever needed PROOF that gold is not money, but rather simply an asset class, all you need to do is look at what governments are doing. They are hunting for anything of value. We are likely going to see a migration of assets from Europe to the USA, as took place prior and during World War […]

Connectivity is Everything

I have been stating all along that attempting to forecast gold in isolation is the equivalent of summoning a witch doctor for cancer. Everything in this world is connected. Civilization unfolds as a synergy of people coming together and the sum is greater than the individual parts. This too, is what government is tearing apart […]

Supreme Court Upholds Same Sex Marriage

There is probably no other decision that could stir the fires in the Republican Party to further the SPLIT than this decision, despite the fact that it is legally correct. You cannot deny gays equal rights without surrendering your own, for that is how the law really works. If you say a black cannot vote, then that […]