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Cycles in Time – Origin of the Theory & Why It Was Ignored in Western Culture

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Just about every culture outside of Christianity believed in the cyclical aspects of time and nature. Do you have any idea why Western Christian culture failed to incorporate cyclical theory? GN ANSWER: If you actually read the Bible, you will find the very similar cyclical references and numbers. It just seems that the […]

Underwater Volcanoes Contribute to Warming Deep Water

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your Maya Report and found it fascinating how volcanic eruptions in the ocean are polarized to where the North Pole is at that time. Now we have people trying to claim that the heat from global warming is being hidden stored deep in the oceans. It seems once more these […]

Climate Change – As if it was not Supposed to Change

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Your computer has proven it can forecast markets, economies, the rise and fall of governments, war, and now even weather well in advance of anyone else. Is this bitter cold just a taste of what is to come? If so, I definitely think it is time to follow you south before you can’t […]

Climate Change – Volcanoes (Part II)

Eruption of volcano Agung in Bali Over the past few decades, there have been several research papers in the scientific press that submit there is a correlation between cosmic-solar radiations and destructive geological events such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. On top of this, there are correlations with climate change that kick in where volcanoes […]

2017 – The Year Without an Arctic Summer?

They are calling this in the Year without an Arctic Summer.  The Greenland Ice Sheet is gaining near record amounts of ice this year. Very little melting has occurred this summer, which is about to start coming to an end. Europe has been unusually cool once again after last year ice wiped out crops all the […]

Europe Plunges into Deep Freeze

    COMMENT: Martin, Im a regular reader of your blog and I agree with you that the Ice Age is upon us. I fell on this video of ice on the Danube and would like to share with you. Even here in Singapore we can feel that something is going with the climate and it […]

Temperatures are Plunging

COMMENT: Marty; It’s below freezing in Athens. This is the coldest I have ever felt here in a long time. The average temperature is normally 10°C (50°F). I do not understand how people keep calling this global warming. REPLY: The data being put out as propaganda has been indexed at a higher base. Without adjustments, the […]

The European Refugee Crisis is Changing the Face of Europe

For the first time in Britain, the number one name given to boys upon birth was Muḥammad. This is how Rome died. The affluent typically see birth rates decline and immigrants fill the gap. Ancient Egyptians were a red race and always pictured themselves as a different color that was more similar to American Indians. […]

Ted Cruz and John Kasich Criminal Conspiracy?

Ted Cruz and John Kasich have actually conspired to commit a federal crime by denying the American people the right to vote. They announced that they will each step aside in one or more states to try to block Trump from achieving the nomination. Kasich is trying to defeat the democratic process because the establishment hates Cruz […]

Economists Do Not Try to Forecast the Business Cycle

  QUESTION: Marty, it was fantastic to meet you in Berlin and the conference really opened my eyes. Can’t wait for the sneak preview of the Trader level in Socrates. The Investor level is amazing providing a long-term outlook written by the computer. Your staff said the computer was writing daily trading reports in the […]