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Economic Confidence Model – When One Nation Peaks Another Bottoms

QUESTION: Martin, I know that the basic ECM cycle’s 4.3 year decline subdivides into a 1.075 year decline, 1.075 year rise, and 2.15 year decline. However, if I remember correctly, the 2.15 year decline also includes the Pi cycle turn 3.14 years from the top. If I remember correctly for this ECM cycle, the 2.15 year […]

Solar Cycle 24 to Bottom with the Economic Confidence Model 2020

The deep minimum of Solar Cycle 23 and its potential impact on climate change has been interesting. In addition, a source region of the solar winds at solar activity minimum, especially in the Solar Cycle 23, the deepest during the last 500 years, has been studied. Solar activities have had a notable effect on palaeoclimatic changes. […]

The Economic Confidence Model began with Recorded History

QUESTION: How far back have you tested your Economic Confidence Model? GP ANSWER: To the start of recorded history. Each wave has been identified and numbered. It is very remarkable how history conforms cyclically to this frequency.   It has been tested on every culture and empire from Asia to Europe. Here is a more […]

The Economic Confidence Model & Why there are 6 waves

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Firstly – sorry to hear about the passing of your mother. Secondly – thank you very much for reading and answering questions. My question – what is the significance of the six repetitions in the ECM? Six 8.6 years make a cycle and six of these make a larger cycle and […]

Did the Economic Confidence Model Pick the Trump Tax Reform?

  It is very interesting how the 2017.9 (Nov 24/25) turning point on the Economic Confidence Model has marked a most astonishing political event. The House passed their version of the Trump Tax Reform on Thursday, November 16th, 2017 just 8 days before the ECM target. Then on November 29th, 2017, the Senate passed a procedural vote on […]

The Sept 30th, 2015 Turning Point in the Economic Confidence Model

The Economic Confidence Model may have pinpointed the start of the demise of Western Civilization. On September 28, 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Barack Obama had a 90-minute face off at the UN in New York. Putin petitioned Obama for the US to join Russia in against ISIS and leave Assad in […]

Is Russia Subject to the Economic Confidence Model

QUESTION: Has the ECM worked to the day in politics outside of the United States as in my home country Russia? ANSWER: Absolutely. Putin was elected on March 26th, 2000 (2000.23). That is precisely to the day from the collapse of the USSR on August 19th, 1991 (1991.63). This is a UNIVERSAL frequency. It is […]

Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions & the Economic Confidence Model

QUESTION: Martin, Is there any conceptual common nonlinear resonance ground shared between the ECM and the underlying theory explaining LENR? JAJ ANSWER: Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) are indeed very interesting. I have concluded that whatever process we observe in any area of science will be discovered in all layers. What many consider “cold fusion” may not be […]

Punic Wars & the Economic Confidence Model

QUESTION:  Mr Armstrong, How does the ECM stack up against The Punic Wars which left the victor, Rome,the Mediterranean superpower and on the road to Empire? Many thanks for sharing your historical knowledge. JR ANSWER: When I back tested the Economic Confidence Model, this frequency appeared over and over again throughout history in all cultures. […]

The Major Fractal Wave of the Economic Confidence Model & 2032.95

  To all the questions about high up the fractal structure can be defined, here is the Economic Confidence Model at the very high end. We are in the grand Public Wave overall that peaks in 2032,85. This is the equivalent of the wave that picked the Peak of Rome in 175AD. So here too […]