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World Economy Melting Down

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have indeed sparked my curiosity. With both the velocity of money and the trading volume declining since 1998, this seems to be a very dangerous position and your work is really eye opening. I read your Transactional Banking and it seems that this has changed everything for the worse. Your Big […]

Record Numbers of Americans Resigning Citizenship

  The number of Americans resigning their citizenship has reached record highs. Americans were thrown out of everywhere after FATCA was enacted. Due to FATCA, foreign institutions must report anything an American is doing outside the country or that institution’s assets will be confiscated. I myself find it impossible to do business internationally as I used to, for […]

2017 the Year from Political Hell

We are entering a period of major political change driven by the economy. This is what has driven our forecasting models as well. This is by no means a personal opinion or a desire on my part to see some sort of upheaval. The entire purpose of providing this type of forecasting is to PROVE […]

Freedom of Speech to be Denied by Attorney General Loretta Lynch

Well, here it comes: criminal prosecution for denying there is “climate change” all because this will be the next great tax to match Obamacare. Forget freedom of speech, that is following the 4th and 5th Amendments down the drain. We are heading into that dark, deep hole of authoritarian regimes. I have friends who fled […]

Total U.S. Fees to Resign Citizenship Exceed $12 million

Under FATCA, it has become impossible for small business to expand internationally. FATCA punishes any foreign entity that does not report what an American is doing overseas. This single law is causing an implosion in the world economy and politicians are too stupid to figure out that they have really harmed the global economy. The […]

Republican Party Civil War of Self-Destruction

As we head into 2017, we are looking at the entire world coming undone at the seams. The year 2017 will be the political year from hell because the trend that is unfolding is global. The establishment Republicans are fighting for control of the party to ensure Trump does not get the nomination. Some even […]

The Coming European Revoluition

I have warned that 2017 will be the political year from hell. What I am illustrating here is the link between a sovereign debt crisis and the Revolutionary Cycle. In 1933, Roosevelt came to power in the USA and turned the country toward socialism. That same year, 1933, brought Hitler and Mao to power. So 1934 […]

What are Human Rights? Do They Include Property & Class?

The real definition of a human right is a right that is believed to belong justifiably to every person. The United Nations defines Human Rights as: Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. We are all […]

NSA Blames Snowden for Paris Attack

The G20 has now given its blessing to the NSA to do whatever it wants. They are blaming Snowden for the recent terror attacks, but their blame has a huge hole. The G20 entered an agreement to share ALL information on money movement for taxes purposes (as in FATCA). So even if Snowden did not […]

Quantitative Easing & the Illogical Conclusion

The ECB does not reveal in detail its QE and most people have no idea that its asset-backed securities (ABS) and covered-bond purchases are actually carried out by private asset managers: ING Investment Management, Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management International, State Street Global Advisors, and Amundi. These asset managers intervene into markets on orders by the […]