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2032 – How Do We Approach Uncharted Waters?

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong Thanks for your efforts. you are truly amazing! You have said that we should expect inflation to increase due to decreased supply. How should we prepare for that? I do not have the stomach for investing in commodities futures. However, investing in the shares of commodities producing companies is something that […]

How to Redesign Government for the Next Generation post-2032

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for your great insights! We are thankful. Often you have stated that you are happy that you do not have the age of 25, because of the chaos and economic crises coming ahead. Unfortunately, many of us (just like me) are 25 years old at this point in time. What […]

ECM & the Rise in Intensity into 2032

COMMENT: A suggestion. I really think the annual Lobby Day in Virginia, scheduled for January 20, should be considered when discussing the turning point in the ECM. The potential for confrontational violence between the state of Virginia and the federal government on one side, and the Second Amendment supporters on the other, is high. This […]

China – the Financial Capital of the World After 2032

QUESTION: Marty, You keep stating that the center of Finance will move to China. However, the world distrusts China, rightly so. How can they become the Financial Center if no one trusts them? RLK ANSWER: That will come only after 2032. Keep in mind, the West will be tested and the failed system of continually […]

The Sixth Wave & 2032

  QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong It was my great honour to meet you in Orlando in November. I couldn’t help hugging you! Thank you so much for all you are doing. Two questions: 1. In terms of societal collapse, I have been looking at 2032 as the date of armegeddon , or the next major asteroid […]

Aurora Borealis Warning the Climate May Turn Sharply Colder into 2032

There may actually be a confirmation that we are heading into a much colder climate. The Aurora Borealis, also known as the Northern Lights, can now be seen in the UK. Normally, the Northern Lights can be seen only extremely north as in Alaska. Sir Edmund Halley (1656 – 1742), the man who discovered Halley’s Comet, […]

Where Does 2032 Come From?

QUESTION #1: Thank you for choosing to live the strength of your convictions – especially through the terrible dark days of your solitary confinement. Thank you for all that you are doing for those of us who choose to watch, think and learn. For over a decade I have been reading that China will replace the […]

The Difference between 2020 and 2032

QUESTION: Hi Martin, My girlfriend brought up a point about your work during coffee this morning. Basically, she’s confused about the two dates you often mention, 2020 and 2032. She wants to know which date (2020, 2032) you expect the markets move into crises mode due to the lack of confidence in government. I tried to […]

PRIVATE BLOG: The Dow View of 2019 to 2032

PRIVATE BLOG – The Dow View of 2019 to 2032 Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

2032 – How Hard Do We Fall?

  QUESTION: Hi Martin, First, I’d like to offer my condolences on your mother’s passing. It feels to me that you must take great satisfaction in the fact that she must have been very proud of your accomplishments, and what you are trying to do for the average person. To me, that is the ultimate […]