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Showing 2937 Results for dollar
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January 7, 2013
Copyright Martin Armstrong all rights reserved January 7th, 2013 The European Central Bank is taking a deep breath as its President Mario Draghi now turns his attention to desperately trying to nurse the Eurozone back to some stable economic health. The crisis management measures of the last three years have subsided for now as the […]
January 6, 2013
There seems to be great confusion surrounding what is money and what is meant by the term “legal tender”. Legal tender is a medium of payment allowed by law or recognized by a legal system to be valid for meeting any financial obligation including taxes.Legal tender is therefore anything which when offered in payment extinguishes a […]
January 6, 2013
Copyright Martin Armstrong January 6th, 2013 all rights reserved Already there are early signs of division within the Republican Party over how to approach the upcoming debate concerning raising the federal debt ceiling. These Republicans are out of their mind and this may be the start of the collapse of their Party and the place […]
January 4, 2013
2013 will be the Pi (π) target year for the low in interest rates from the 1981 high. The key in this giant financial crisis is still Europe. Marxism has failed. Russia & China faced that in 1989. The West has to learn this lessen as well. As a whole, Europe will post the lowest economic […]
January 3, 2013
The Bush tax cuts will become permanent for all individual income below $400,000 (and family income below $450,000). The sequester spending cuts will be delayed two months. Hidden in the last-hour vote in Congress to avoid the “fiscal cliff” included all sorts of arcane provisions into the final bill, covering everything from electric scooters to NASCAR […]
January 2, 2013
The support in 2013 will be at 11,900, 11,650, 11,025 and resistance at 13340. For those attending the technical training seminars, here is a glimpse of the three 1985 projection lines that have defined this entire ECM wave of 51.6 years from 1985 into 2032. The 2007 high was slightly over the projection for that […]
January 1, 2013
While it is likely that the US politicians will vote now before the new Congress comes in because that was the deal (lame-duck), there is a serious consequence to this sort of crisis management that Congress has preferred waiting to the last minute for everything. When I wrote that the threshold for reporting money transfers […]
December 30, 2012
Copyright Martin Armstrong December 30th, 2012 All Rights Reserved There is no longer any question that the US surveillance regime put in place by George Bush, Jr. has given birth to the most intrusive monitoring of society that has EVER existed in history. Sources on Capitol Hill explain they even feel victim because […]
December 29, 2012
TAX DEBATE PRINCETON UNIVERSITY JUNE 24, 1997 STEVE FORBES: I would like to thank Dick for putting on this forum tonight and I would also like to thank all of you for coming out on a very nice weekday evening to hear a lot of hot air from the people on this panel. It reminds […]
December 6, 2012
Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved December 6th, 2012 The Roosevelt Taking of Gold Was Unconstitutional Gold is a commodity for trading as well as something you put in your sock drawer for a rainy day. They are two different things entirely. The fanatic Goldbugs who argue only gold will survive and hate my […]