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Chicago Still Getting Snow

Chicago still just got 2.5 inches of snow cancelling numerous flights. Snowing this late in the season is concerning on our models. As I have warned, the winters will get longer and the summers shorter. This can cause severe reduction in the production of food in the years ahead. The snow over the weekend at […]

Chicago – Where More People are Retired than Paying into Government Pensions

Over 80% of government pension funds are completely funded by the government with no employees paying into the funds. This reflects why governments are coming after the people and extorting more taxes under the threat of seizing your home and throwing you in prison. For 169 governmental bodies in Chicago, the numbers reveal the crisis. In Chicago, […]

The Deep Freeze – Chicago is Colder than Antarctica

  Chicago is now even colder that Antarctica with wind-chill factors at 70 below zero. What really astonishes me is that nature is never responsible for anything. Somehow, we are always to blame. This attitude seems to be exceptionally arrogant for we are more powerful than nature and to presume so we must assume that […]

Chicago’s Hunt for Taxes Goes After Children Playing Games

COMMENT: My sister lives in Chicago. She is looking to leave finally. She told me there is a 9% tax on any amusement like Netflix or PlayStation for her son. You are right. They keep finding things to tax rather than address the problem. This cannot be maintained forever. OT REPLY: This is what happens. […]

Chicago Police Have a CIA Style Interrogation but with Americans

There has been a long-running scary report about how the Chicago police department has been operating a clandestine off-the-books interrogation compound where they take Americans, hold them there with no lawyers or rights, and just threaten you without any oversight. Americans who have been snatched up by the Chicago police are unable to be found by […]

Chicago Police Pension Goes Bust

Chicago’s police pension fund won’t have enough money to pay benefits to retirees in 2021, according to a projection by Local Government Information Services (LGIS). At the end of 2020, LGIS estimates that the Policemen’s Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago will have less than $150 million in assets to pay $928 million promised to 14,133 […]

Chicago Tribune Calls for Hillary to Step Down

Headine:  Democrats should ask Clinton to step aside I fully agree from my “opinion” perspective that Hillary is a disgrace and she should step aside and Joe Biden should be the Democratic Candidate. Americans have “become so numb by the decades of lies and cynicism oozing from Clinton Inc. that it could elect Hillary Clinton as president, […]

Chicago Wants to Tax Video & Music on Internet

Governments are the worst possible invention of humankind for they merge the rule of law with their self-interest to exploit the people for their own subsistence. Chicago is broke because it cannot fund its pensions. The obvious solution is to privatize everything and stop government employment as much as possible since their constitution prohibits reducing government […]

Chicago MERC Ends Floor Trading after 167 Years

This is the end of an era. The Chicago trading pits have closed after 167 years. What is a shame about this is that great traders need the “feel” and you just do not get that from looking at flashing screens. It is like playing chess against a great opponent vs. the computer or flying […]

Chicago Considering a 30% Property Tax Increase to Pay Govt. Pensions

COMMENT: Couldn’t help myself – I must share this personal story with your team and the blog readers. After reading Martin for just about a year, I began educating my family to what lies ahead.  With that our oldest daughter had been living in Chicago until 2 weekends ago.  She decided some time back to […]