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Resentment inside USA & Power Play Between USA & Russia

My statement that there is no deep resentment in USA was in reference to Germany and Japan. Yes there is still deep seeded resentment internally between the South and the North to this day and the Bible Belt v Democrats. That is internal issues that is quite different from hundreds of years of resentment between […]

Is Ukraine Home Free? Will Putin Let it Go?

Russian President Vladimir Putin has now been placed in a very difficult position. As the protesters in Ukraine gathered the support of the police against the mercenaries, they turned the tide of politics for the moment. Putin’s Sochi Olympic moment has been overshadowed by the bloody mess in neighboring Ukraine thanks to the insanity of […]

The Rising Global Unrest – Collapse in Marxism & Republics

  For months now, protesters have been gathering in many capital cities of developing nations such as Turkey, Ukraine, Thailand, Venezuela, Malaysia, and Cambodia, among others. These demonstrations are part of the rise in tension that our model warns will spread. This is the collapse of “socialism” as I put it for there is a […]

Venezuela Under Siege

The Venezuela government has sent in troops against its protesters. Just for the record, this time I do not know anyone in that camp that I am aware of. But the same thing goes. They need support of the police or military units that change sides. Achieve that, and then it becomes possible to turn […]

Ukraine & the Need to Always Blame Someone & Gov’ts are All the Same – Wake Up

I believe that there is some sort of need for God-like attribution that causes people to always seek to blame someone for their mistakes. Galina Vasilyevna Starovoitova (Russian: Гали́на Васи́льевна Старово́йтова)(1946-1998) was a Russian politician and ethnographer known for her work to protect ethnic minorities and promote democratic reforms in Russia. St. Petersburg has always been […]

Ukraine – The Update

The Ukrainian protesters are wisely demanding that Yanukovych immediately resign. This ruthless dictator trying to stay until the end of the year is a joke. That is right out of how to politically oppress your adversary. The smartest play for Yanukovych is to promise anything, get the protesters to leave, and then send his mercenaries to arrest […]

Global Market Watch for Feb 21st,2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of February 21st, 2014. Global Market Watch


Ukrainian Gov’t is Fracturing – The Debt Default Contagion is Likely to Unfold

The Mayor of Kiev has distanced himself from Yanukovych. The Ukrainian parliament on Thursday passed a measure that would prohibit what Yanukovych has called his military “anti-terrorist operation” to restore order by sheer force, and called for all Interior Ministry troops to return to their bases. The politicians in Ukraine are running away from Yanukovych who is being […]

Caracas Burns – Following Kiev

The capital of Caracas and other Venezuelan cities have also seen major battles, as police confront protesters calling for the resignation of President Nicolas Maduro. There too protesters are economically suppressed by the government and again we see discontent rising from corruption. This demonstrates that while Kiev burns and captures the headlines – a contagion does […]