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Can Trump end Birthright Citizenship?

On this score, President Tump in his latest claim that he can end birthright citizenship with an executive order is WRONG. On this subject, he is correct that a child born in most countries does NOT make them a citizen of that country. In most cases, they are a citizen of a parent who is a […]

Banks Freezing Cyrpotcurrency Accounts under Presumption of Guilt?

  The story running around on news tells the tale of an individual who legally sold large amounts of cryptocurrency at a profit found that Clydesdale Bank decided to freeze all assets involving people who had been involved in cryptocurrencies. The man had no criminal convictions and had always complied with British laws on […]

The Supreme Court Just Destroyed the Economy in the Hunt for Taxes

The Supreme Court in SOUTH DAKOTA v. WAYFAIR, INC, just handed down the most devastating and unconstitutional rule perhaps in American history in a 5-4 ruling that we will look back upon as the straw that broke the back of the economy. The Supreme Court has totally rejected EVERYTHING that the United States was built upon […]

Hunt for Taxes & the CRS

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I followed your advice and opened an account in the United States. I live in Britain and my daughter lives there in the States so I used her local address. To my shock, it was very easy. You said the USA has become the new tax haven. So the USA is not […]

Extreme Left & Extreme Right Believe in the Same Thing – Oppress all Opposition

  I have written before that if you go extreme right and extreme left, you reach the same political position with two different thought processes – more state power. With all the press of the Alt-Right since CNN can then attribute that to Trump and call him indirectly a fascist, they will not put the spotlight […]

American Imperialism – Why Congress Violates International Law

We have a very serious problem with Congress. Their actions in far too many ways is displaying (1) a total disregard for international law, and (2) a clear arrogance that they will punish foreigners for not obeying US law outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States. What if Germany passed a law to punish […]

The Conflict of Law – USA/England v Europe

  COMMENT: I believe you are wrong about the meaning of natural born citizen in you blog Does it Matter If You Are Born Outside USA to be President? You are a natural born citizen only if BOTH parents are citizens. REPLY: The site you refer to notes the definition which comes from Emer de Vattel (1714 […]

Trump – Taxes – World Capital Flows

QUESTION: I wonder if you might clear something up regarding the fabled corporate cash hoard parked overseas? Must this be held in non-USD form thus taking an FX risk,albeit presumably hedged? I gather any USD parked in a foreign bank is immediately transferred to a US bank, likely in NYC — would this be regarded as repatriation? I […]

Are We Still Suffering from 2007-2009 Crash or is There Something Else?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have a very basic question. With all the trillions of dollars of stimulus in Europe, USA, and Japan, we are in the age of deflation as you have pointed out. The Federal Reserve itself predicts less than 2% economic growth so that is probably optimistic yet the best in the western […]

When the Back Office Becomes Bigger than the Front Office – It is Time to Die

COMMENT: You are certainly correct, the money hunt is escalating and it’s becoming ridiculous.  I deal with it on a daily basis in the office. What a bunch of fools. J REPLY: This hunt for money is costing business vast amounts of resources and reducing world trade. In banks and brokerage, the back office typically now employs […]