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The West’s Desperate Effort to Switch the Enemy from COVID to Putin

From the outset, my position was that Ukraine should have been split according to language. Borders have been drawn by politicians, and this policy has given us so many problems over the years. It is language and culture that should define a national border. Ukraine is exerting old-world imperialistic philosophy. While Putin ordered Russian troops Monday to “maintain peace” […]

Market Talk – December 2, 2021

ASIA: China’s property downturn is expected to continue into the first half of 2022, with home prices and sales falling as tight credit policies and a looming property tax dampen demand, a Reuters poll showed. Home prices are expected to drop 1.0% in H1 2022 and Property investment in H1 2022 is expected to slump […]

NYC in Crash Mode?

New York City is dying thanks to COVID. It has really killed Broadway. When I would often go to a play, the vast majority were tourists from overseas. I would often listen to the different languages being spoken around me. New York City is clearly dying as a mass exodus has taken place of not […]

US on the Brink of Civil War?

2021 US Open Letter from Retired Generals and Adm   Indeed, I have been warning that our models have been pointing to tremendous civil unrest which will eventually lead to the break-up of the United States post-2024 and the war this Great Reset unleashes upon the world. People like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab are […]

Population Crisis

QUESTION: Marty, do you think this Deagel forecast for a drop in population that is not explained is just taking your forecast for the conclusion of the Sixth Wave? GB ANSWER: I am not sure what they are referring to or how they arrived at that conclusion. Yes, I have said there remains the risk of […]

What is 2032?

Many people have asked, “Why is 2032 going to be such a major change in the world’s political economy and society as a whole?” We are confronted by the end of the Sixth Wave come 2032, which will be a profound economic and political change. It appears these world leaders are pushing us toward fulfilling […]

Clarifying Wind Turbines

It is possible to include heating elements in wind turbines to prevent freezing. They never took that into consideration in Texas where the wind turbines probably supply as much as 10% of the power. The same problem took place in Germany. Nobody seems to have done their research into historic weather patterns. I have said […]

Hope for the Future

After serious discussions, there is great concern that those behind Biden and drafting these executive orders having him sign them is off the charts wiping out We The People. Trump’s orders to bring down drug prices for diabetics were just reversed to help big pharma. It appears that the corruption is running very deep, but […]

Teaching Children to Think

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you so much for sharing the connections Socrates is making between seemingly unrelated ideas. I’m a high school/collegiate science teacher and am wondering if Socrates has identified any correlations between coming astronomical phenomenon (like lunar phases or planetary alignment) to war or the economy. The information you’ve provided on the Sun […]

Coronavirus & the Socialist Revolution – Available Now

This report goes into the logistics about this Coronavirus Pandemic and moves into the dangers it presents economically as well as the crisis we face in famine. These people think that they can simply crash the economy and rebuilt it from scratch as if that is a simple task. They risk creating a major economic […]