Showing 23 Results for ADUs
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Showing 23 Results for ADUs
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April 24, 2012
M. TULLI CICERONIS ORATIO IN CATILINAM PRIMA IN SENATU HABITA ARGUMENTUM L. Sergius Catilina, homo patricii generis, magna vi et animi et corporis, sed ingenio malo pravoque, praetorius, qui iam a. u. c. 689 caedem consulum facere eaque facta rerum potiri constituerat, casu autem rem perficere prohibitus erat, ascitis ad consilium rei publicae opprimendae […]
April 23, 2012
FIRST ORATION OF CICERO AGAINST CATILINE WITH NOTICES, NOTES AND COMPLETE VOCABULARY. BY JOHN HENDERSON, M.A. TORONTO: THE COPP CLARK COMPANY, LIMITED, Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six, by THE COPP CLARK COMPANY, Limited, Toronto, Ontario, in the Office of the Minister of […]
April 2, 2012
Caracalla 198-217 AD Son of Septimus Severus Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, originally named Julius Bassianus, was born at Lugdunum, Gaul, on April 6th, 188 AD. He was the elder son of Septimius Severus and Julia Domna. His original name, Bassianus, came from the Syrian side of his family. Following the Civil War in the aftermath of […]